AlphaPlus - Social Finance

AlphaPlus - Social Finance

May 2, 2022 11:59 PM
Web Development
Software Engineering

Financial Content Network with MERN Stack (dev, prod)

Mobile View

notion image

Desktop View

notion image
Alphaplus is a Community content network where Finance Analyst shares their analyst and topics regarding companies. 🎮 Demo Here

Project File Structre

alphaplus | |---/ client | |---/ alpha-p-admin |---/ alpha-p-web | |---/ server | |---/src | .dockerignore Dockerfile .env | | docker-compose.yml

🐳 Docker

Boilerplate now is fully usable with docker, it integrate the MongoDB database, the Reactfrontend, and NodeJS/Express backend.
If you do not have docker:
Docker allows to deploy the app in docker containers in one line in the CLI.

Environment variables

You have to set the following environment variables:
  • ATLAS_URI, MongoDB Cluster URI
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, Your AWS Access Key ID for S3
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, Your Aws Access Key for S3
  • S3_BUCKET, the name of S3 Bucket


in the root directory:
docker-compose up --build
It supports hot reloading for both the frontend and backend.


in the root directory:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up --build
The frontend app uses an Nginx server to deliver static files.
You may want to use the flag --remove-orphans
To deploy on Heroku refer to their documentation:

💻 Boilerplate

MERN Stack with GraphQl :
  • Login and signup with jwt Tokens.
  • Docker for development and production with hot reloading.
  • MongoDB.
  • Express.
  • React-based on Create React App.
  • Apollo Client Cache.
  • React Hooks.
  • Nodejs.

🔒 Security

This repository is scanned with snyk and code scanning from GitHub for vulnerabilities. Do not use this code blindly, audit it first.