Ediet - Smart Diet App

Ediet - Smart Diet App

May 2, 2022 11:59 PM
Mobile Development

E-Diet is an android application that manages human diets

A flutter application that manages human diets, since the problems that people are suffering from are, like they don’t know what a diet fits with them and what the nutrient value needed, so we made this system to solve it. During Registration users have to fill in personal information including age, weight, height, gender,routine, and preferred diet, then the system calculates the nutrient value needed to satisfy the users’ needs and the system displays these values to the user and appropriate recipes according to that. a user will be able to track the progress of his daily consumption and write his progress in his integrated diary, one of the positives of the cost of time and money is less from going to a diet consultant.

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7.Sample Screenshots

7.1 Welcome page

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7.2 Sign Up

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7.3 Login

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7.4 User Health Info

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7.5 User Goal

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7.6 User Activity Level

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7.7 Profile

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7.8 Diary

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7.9 Home

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7.10 Meal card

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7.11 Diet prefer

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7.12 Change password

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